Michele McWilliams
United Kingdom
The McKenna Clan
Max Chevers
La Alfoquia, Almeria, Spain
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
James Davis
Lawrenceburg,Indiana, United States
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
Paddy McGarr
The McGarr Clan
Jason Morris
Carthage, United States
The Morris Clan
Lorna Martin (Coyne)
Cape Town, South Africa
The Martin Clan
Jane Donovan
New Zealand
The O'Donovan Clan
heavenly barnett
United States
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
tracy coleman
Islip, NY, United States
The Coleman Clan
jacqueline boyce
sale victoria, Australia
The Boyce Clan
David Kelly
Romford, United Kingdom
The Kelly Clan
George White
Memphis, TN, United States
The White Clan
Danny Robertson
The Robertson Clan
Michael Rennehan
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
Megan Cassells
The Cassells Clan
james roy
Northern Ireland
The Roy Clan
Jennifer Reid
United States
The Reid Clan
Willi Saunderson
Pretoria, South Africa
The Saunderson Clan
Michael Leitch
Burton, United States
The Leech Clan
Amy Rodgers
United States
The Logue Clan
Darren Shiggins
Wexford, Ireland
The Shiggins Clan
Dr Phillip Hill (Major, Michigan State Defense Force)
The Athey Clan
Anthony Langan
Liverpool, England
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
Tabitha Bryson
Indianapolis, United States
The Bryson Clan
Raymond McLennan
United Kingdom
The McMonagle Clan