Louise Downes
London, England
The Downes Clan
Julie-Ann Jones
Falkirk, United Kingdom
The Jones Clan
Zach Yates
Port Wentworth, GA, United States
The Yates Clan
Kitty O'Cairre
United States
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
Clifford Edward Shields
South Africa
The Shields Clan
Michael Helmantoler
Saratoga Springs, United States
The Casey Clan
Lisa Kelley Davidson
United States
The Kelley Clan
Michael Roy McCann
Burnaby, Canada
The McCann Clan
Marcus O'Connor
Sydney, Australia
The O'Connor (Don) Clan
Mary McCann
Dublin, Ireland
The McCann Clan
Kevin McCall
Denver, CO, United States
The McCall Clan
Chris Ireland
Huntington Beach, United States
The Ireland Clan
Robert HAMilton
United States
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
Alexander Andrew St.Helier-Bourke
New Zealand
The Bourke Clan
"Tex" Ivan Gilmore
Washington, NC, United States
The Gilmore Clan
Angie Cummons Williams
Ohio, United States
The Cummons Clan
Allison White
United States
The Sheridan Clan
Thomas Donegan
The Donegan Clan
Paul Feeney
United Kingdom
The Feeney Clan
Max Chevers
The Cheevers Clan
Summer Conley Payton
Raleigh, United States
The Conley Clan
John Belden
Torrance, CA, United States
The McIntyre Clan
Donna Reynolds
United States
The Reynolds Clan
Austin McFadden
United States
The Mcfadden Clan
Ciaran Keegan
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan