Isaac Weekly
Poland, Ireland
The Norris Clan
Rachael Anderson
United States
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
Damian Doyle
Dublin, Ireland
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
Jason Morris
Carthage, United States
The Morris Clan
Michael Durkin
Peever, United States
The Durkin Clan
Maggie McBride
United States
The McBride Clan
Joe Rogers
United Kingdom
The Rogers Clan
Celia McKelvey
Wellington, United States
The Redmond Clan
Earl Townsend V
Petersburg, IN, United States
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
Arthur Johnson
The Johnson Clan
Lisa Halpin
United States
The Halpin Clan
Tyrone Duffy
Burton upon Trent, England
The Duffy Clan
Michelle Flowers
United States
The McGinnis Clan
Cathryn Amador
The Collins Clan
Bevin Subocz
United States
The Byrne Clan
David Kelly
Romford, United Kingdom
The Kelly Clan
Patricia Patten-Carlen
Deland, United States
The Patten Clan
Maureen Shea
United States
The Kelly Clan
Daniel Barry
United States
The Barry Clan
Seamus MacCathmhaoil
New Zealand
The McCall Clan
Judy Cordell
The Turner Clan
Richard Long
The Murphy Clan
alan murray
Summerside, Canada
The Murray Clan
William Davis
Lorton, United States
The Davis Clan
Kent Behunin
United States
The Behunin Clan