Michael Dickinson
United States
The Taylor Clan
Dannielle Townsend
Aberdeen, United States
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
John Anderson
United States
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
John Kelly
Dublin, Ireland
The Kelly Clan
Scotlyn O'Daniel
United States
The O'Daniel Clan
Jarrod McDonnell
Palmerston North, New Zealand
The McDonnell Clan
Jodie Watson
United States
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
Tammy Vaughan
Burbank, United States
The McGinnis Clan
Joseph McCool
The McCool Clan
Sherri Leeper
Huntington Beach, United States
The Leeper Clan
Ashley McCall
williamsburg, United States
The McCall Clan
Flynn Collier
United States
The Flynn Clan
Kevin Austin
Vacaville, United States
The Austin Clan
Nancy Prosser
San Diego, United States
The Lafferty Clan
Betty Bailey
Corvallis, United States
The Bailey Clan
Susan Collins
United States
The Ferris Clan
William Myers
Tewksbury, Massachusetts, United States
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
Philip Hayden
Topeka, United States
The Hayden Clan
Patrick Furey
United States
The Furey Clan
James Patrick McFadden
St.Marys, Ontario, Canada
The Mcfadden Clan
Joseph McGonagle III
Sacramento, United States
The McGonagle Clan
Joseph Keegan
Dublin 4, Ireland
The Keegan Clan
Eric Fenton
The Fenton Clan
Finghin Ryan
United States
The Ryan Clan
Arlene Shanley-Goss
Jeffersonville, United States
The Shanley Clan